How did Zeus die?

Prometheus`s sentence

Prometheus contravene against the Divine Order, like his siblings. But he had a different destiny. He created the humanity and gave us the fire, which means civilization, creating and the science.
Prometheus gave humanity a chance to have Gods talents. His biggest difference between the other rebels againt the Divine Order was to create a system against system.

For sure, Prometheus sentenced to a endless torture. His sentence was to get his leavers digged by an eagle everyday. The main part of this torture, his wounds were healing after his tortures.
After thousands of years, Prometheus was getting used to his pains. Eagle was always coming in the exact hours of the day. And gave him the torture with exact rhythm. In those years he understood everything. Days and nights in the Caucasus Mountain was always in the same hours. Nothing was changing at all.

Prometheus infiltrated the rhythm of Gods sentence. After that time, he was even being able to sleep while eagle was torturing him. Endless tortures were ended for him. Gods orders were tricked.

After his torture, Prometheus was trying to break his chains. Every night. Every night he was trying to break them. He was even breaking his legs and his arms while doing that. But he was healing after that. The chain was fraying. Nothing but chains strenght was changing day by day.

Prometheus became the rhythm. He broke his chains and run away. He broke Gods orders.

This is how Zeus died…

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